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Bradley J Dryburgh

Cystic fibrosis advocate, resilience through marathons, inspirational storyteller.

Bradley Dryburgh, a captivating storyteller and advocate for chronic illness, defies the odds with cystic fibrosis. Running marathons after a dire prognosis, he shares invaluable life lessons. As a sought-after speaker, Bradley imparts wisdom on developing purpose, mastering belief, and cultivating resilience in the face of adversity.

Brad's journey is a testament to the transformative power of perspective, driven by his belief that controlling our outlook is paramount for success. He embraces his condition as a blessing and strives to inspire others through his remarkable lived experience.

In addition to his speaking engagements, Bradley hosts an engaging podcast ‘A Lot To Talk About’, where he discusses profound topics, including his own eulogy, a viral video that touched many hearts. His authenticity and vulnerability resonate with audiences, especially young men seeking genuine connections.

Living with cystic fibrosis, a condition that damages the lungs and organs, Bradley's journey has been shaped by his parents' unwavering optimism. Despite medical advice, he embarked on a path of long-distance running, using it as both physical and mental therapy.

Running symbolises his resilience against cystic fibrosis, exemplifying his enduring spirit. His commitment to running reflects his deep appreciation for life and his determination to overcome challenges. 

Bradley Dryburgh's remarkable story inspires others to embrace life's blessings and discover their own inner strength.