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Krushnadevsinh (Kano) Ravalji

Founder of Third Culture Australia and Youth Commissioner of the Victorian Multicultural Commission

Krushnadevsinh (Kano) Ravalji is the founder of Third Culture Australia and Youth Commissioner of the Victorian Multicultural Commission. He empowers young people across the globe in leadership, resilience, and inclusion and supports organisations in enhancing their diversity and youth-led programs. Kano has conducted research with UNICEF into systemic racism facing young people and lead projects with the North Melbourne Football Club – The Huddle.

In recognition of his dedication, Kano has received numerous awards including the VicHealth Future ChangeMaker Award and recently was named Wyndham City’s Young person of the year. He is also a huge gamer, loves cricket and politics!

Currently, Kano is on a mission to share his message of inclusion all and encourage others to join him in creating a more just and accepting world!